
Be kind to your skin

Use skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type and condition. Avoid harsh ingredients that may deplete your natural oils and disrupt your skin’s protective barrier. 

Do not overexfoliate your skin. Maximum 1-2 times a week is sufficient for normal or dry skin. Even people with oily skin should not exfoliate every day with abrasive products. Instead, they can opt for salicylic acid and clay based products. Salicylic acid helps soften skin and slough away dead skin cells, leaving you with a smoother, brighter complexion.  Clay controls oil production and may also calm inflammation.

Sun or no sun?

It is very important to use sun protection every day. Every morning apply a mineral based sunblock on your face, regardless of the weather outside, even if you are not planning to leave your home. This is especially important if you are prone to hyperpigmentation.  Don’t forget about protecting your neck, decollete, and hands.

Choose mineral based sunblock containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Avoid chemical sunscreens which may contain ingredients that are harmful to our health and the environment.

The sun’s ultraviolet light is responsible for much of the aging of the skin. Chronic UV exposure causes wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and loose skin. UV causes damaging free radicals to be produced. The best and easiest way to preserve the youth of your skin is by protecting it from the sun.

Although chronic excessive exposure to sunlight increases the risk of premature skin aging and skin cancer, the avoidance of all direct sun exposure increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency, which can have serious consequences. Sensible sun exposure (usually 5-10 min of exposure of arms and legs, 2 or 3 times per week) and increased dietary and supplemental vitamin D intakes are reasonable approaches to guarantee vitamin D sufficiency.

Large sunglasses, wide-rimmed hats and protective clothing are very useful, especially when you need to spend a longer period of time outside and cannot keep applying sunblock every two hours.

Oil or cream?

People often confuse the benefits of oil and moisturizers. Oils became a skincare trend lately. Unfortunately, many oil users are applying oils too frequently, or use the wrong oil for their skin type, leading to congested skin and enlarged pores. They also tend to skip moisturizer, leaving their skin unprotected.

Oil is just not enough. Oil can only penetrate the top layer of skin. But the lower dermal layer is what contains collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, and only a properly formulated, nutrient-rich and water-based serum can reach and support it. You can’t just substitute an oil for a moisturizer because they do different jobs. Oils nourish, while moisturizers will both nourish and protect.  Moisturizers are for more than just hydration, they are also for sealing and protecting the skin from environmental stressors.  

The correct order to apply products is water-based serum, oil, and moisturizer.

A great use for oil is pre-cleansing with an oil cleanser, which will also help remove makeup gently. Depending on your skin type, you may want to do a double-cleanse, and follow the oil cleanser with a regular cleanser.

More than skin deep

Good skin comes from within. Diet, exercise, lifestyle, and our mental state all have an effect on the quality of our skin. Certain diseases and prescription medicine may also cause changes in the skin.

We can improve our well-being by eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep and incorporating exercise into our daily routine. Positive lifestyle choices will also have a positive effect on our skin. Having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, high water intake, sufficient rest, staying physically active and practicing mindfulness all play an important part in how we look and feel. 

Supplementing with vitamins, minerals can bridge the nutrient deficiency that is prevalent in our society to ensure adequate micronutrient intake on a daily basis. Other supplements can help us harvest the benefits of some herbs and food extracts that may be difficult to cosume straight from their original sources.

Exercices for slow and deep breathing are also helpful to reduce stress and increase the oxygen supply to our body and all tissues, including the skin. Learning how to breath properly helps with the anti-aging process. The oxygen that is provided by deep breathing helps with metabolism and cell renewal. 

Start by making small improvements instead of an all-or-nothing approach. Little steps in the right direction paired with consistency lead to success.

Power of touch & posture

Posture is a very important factor in how our face and body age. The correct posture makes us look more youthful and healthy. Hunching over and looking down at our smartphones for hours strains our neck and may worsen the look of sagging jowls. Try to remember to correct your posture during the day and sit/stand  up straight with your shoulders relaxed and rolled back, and stomack tucked in.

A quick daily face self-massage is such a beneficial habit. Use your hands or gua sha tool will massage in your oil and/or moisturizer improve circulation and the quality of the skin.  Use the correct products that will not clog the pores because facial stimulation will also increase the penetration of products.

Our sleep position also has an effect on our skin. Side sleeping can cause deeper wrinkles to form on the face and decollete area. 


Plugged in

Stimulating the skin with microcurrent increases cellular energy, improves circulation, and promotes collagen production. Spa treatments by professional microcurrent machines give longer lasting results, but small at-home devices need to be used more frequently. Stay tuned for a little device that will be available soon with a downloadable program to help you maximize your skincare routine!


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